CrossFit App

Documented by Mojoomla - at June 01 2023

1). Set up Flutter Project

A. Requirement
  1. Latest Android Studio
  2. Windows XP (32-bit), Vista (32- or 64-bit), or Windows 7 And up (32- or 64-bit)
  3. Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later (x86 only)
  4. Linux (tested on Ubuntu Linux, Lucid Lynx)
  5. GNU C Library (glibc) 2.7 or later is required.
  6. On Ubuntu Linux, version 8.04 or later is required.64-bit distributions must be capable of running 32-bit applications.
  7. 4 GB RAM minimum, 8 GB RAM recommended.
  8. Free Disk At least 1 GB for Android SDK, emulator system images, and caches.
  9. Oracle® Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 and up.
B. Installing the latest version of Android Studio.
CrossFit App is built with the latest Android studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1
NOTE: There are several other tools to build and run android projects.
  1. Go to the Android Developer Page
  2. Download the Android Studio. This should contain the latest version of Android Studio
  3. Install Android studio. more information Go to install Android studio
C. Update the IDE and SDK Tools
  1. The Android SDK Manager provides the SDK tools, platforms, and other components you need to develop your apps.
  2. CrossFit App minimum required SDK Platform API level 21
  3. Install SDK Platform API levels.
  4. Open the Preferences window by clicking File -> Settings.
  5. In the left panel, click Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings -> Android SDK.
  6. Select required SDK platforms
  7. Click ok.

2).Flutter Version

sdk: '>=2.18.4 <3.0.0'

3).Set Up Firebase

To set up Firebase Database for a CrossFit app, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Create a Firebase project

  • Go to the Firebase console ( and sign in with your Google account.
  • Click on "Add project" or select an existing project if you have one.
  • Enter a name for your project and optionally choose a country/region.
  • Click on "Create Project" to create the Firebase project.
  • Step 2: Connect your app to Firebase

    For Android :

  • In the Firebase console, go to your project.
  • Click on the "Add app" button to add your Flutter app.
  • Follow the instructions to register your app, providing the app package name (usually "com.example.your_app") and app nickname.
  • Download the google-services.json file and place it in the android/app directory of your Flutter project.

  • For IOS :

  • In the Firebase Console, go to your project settings (the gear icon) and click on "Project settings."
  • Under the "Your apps" section, click on the iOS icon to add an iOS app.
  • Enter your iOS bundle identifier. This can be found in your Flutter project's Info.plist file under the CFBundleIdentifier key.
  • Download the GoogleService-Info.plist file and place it in the ios/Runner directory of your Flutter project.
  • Step 3: Enable Sign-in-Method

  • Click on "Authentication" from the left sidebar.
  • Click on the "Sign-in method" tab.
  • In the "Sign-in method" tab, you'll find a list of sign-in providers. Enable the desired sign-in method(s) you want to use, such as Email/Password, Google, Facebook, etc.
  • Follow on the top step and enable bellow methods
  • Step 4: Change your Firease Database rules

  • Click on the "Firebase Database" tab in the left sidebar to navigate to the Firebase Database section.
  • In the Database section, you will see a "Rules" tab. Click on it to access the database rules editor.
  • The rules editor allows you to define the security rules for your database. You can write rules using the Firebase Database Security Rules language.
  • Copy the below Rules then paste this Rules
  •     rules_version = '2';
        service cloud.firestore {
        match /databases/{database}/documents {
        match /{document=**} {
        allow read, write: if request.auth != null;
        allow read: if request.auth == null;

  • Once you have made the necessary changes to the rules, click on the "Publish" button to save and apply the new rules to your database.
  • Firebase will validate the new rules for any syntax errors or potential security issues. If there are any errors, Firebase will provide feedback on the errors and suggestions to fix them.
  • If the rules are successfully validated, Firebase will apply the new rules to your database.
  • Step 5: Change your storage rules

  • Click on the "Storage" tab in the left sidebar to navigate to the Firebase Database section.
  • In the Storage section, you will see a "Rules" tab. Click on it to access the Storage rules editor.
  • The rules editor allows you to define the security rules for your Storage. You can write rules using the Storage Rules language.
  • Copy the below Rules then paste this Rules
  •     rules_version = '2';
        service {
        match /b/{bucket}/o {
        match /{allPaths=**} {
        allow read, write: if request.auth != null;
        allow read, write: if request.auth == null;

  • Once you have made the necessary changes to the rules, click on the "Publish" button to save and apply the new rules to your database.
  • Firebase will validate the new rules for any syntax errors or potential security issues. If there are any errors, Firebase will provide feedback on the errors and suggestions to fix them.
  • If the rules are successfully validated, Firebase will apply the new rules to your Storage.
  • Step 6: Add your app Indexes

  • Click on "Firestore Database" → then click on "Indexes tab" → and finally click on "Add Index" Thne Fill Detail Like This Image.

  • After configuring the index, click on the "Create Index" button to add it to your Firestore database.
  • Firestore will process the index creation request, which may take some time depending on the size of your database. You can check the status of the index creation on the "Indexes" page. Once the index status changes to "Enabled," the index is ready to use.
  • Add all the Indexes below by following the above steps
  • Collection ID Fields indexed help_outline Query scope Status
        payment_history     user_id Ascending
        created_at Ascending
        Collection     Enabled
        table_workout_category     created_by Ascending
        title Ascending
        Collection     Enabled
        users     user_role Ascending
        full_name Ascending
        Collection     Enabled
        users     created_by Ascending
        full_name Ascending
        Collection     Enabled
        payment_history     created_by Ascending
        created_at Ascending
        Collection     Enabled
        users     created_by Ascending
        membership_timestamp Descending
        Collection     Enabled
        workout_category     created_by Ascending
        title Ascending
        Collection     Enabled
        users     created_by Ascending
        full_name Descending
        Collection     Enabled
        table_membership     created_by Ascending
        member_count Descending
        Collection     Enabled
        payment_history     user_id Ascending
        created_at Descending
        Collection     Enabled
        payment_history     user_id Ascending
        user_role Ascending
        created_at Descending
        Collection     Enabled
        payment_history     created_by Ascending
        user_role Ascending
        created_at Descending
        Collection     Enabled
        payment_history     created_by Ascending
        payment_status Ascending
        created_at Descending
        Collection     Enabled
        workouts     created_by Ascending
        workout_type Descending
        created_at Descending
        Collection     Enabled
        payment_history     payment_status Ascending
        user_id Ascending
        created_at Descending
        Collection     Enabled
        users     created_by Ascending
        membership_timestamp Ascending
        Collection     Enabled
        users     created_by Ascending
        created_at Descending
        Collection     Enabled
        users     created_by Ascending
        user_role Ascending
        membership_timestamp Descending
        Collection     Enabled
        workouts     created_by Ascending
        workout_type Ascending
        Collection     Enabled
        workouts     created_by Ascending
        workout_type Descending
        Collection     Enabled
        payment_history     created_by Ascending
        created_at Descending
        Collection     Enabled
        workouts     selected_member Arrays
        workout_type Descending
        Collection     Enabled
        users     created_by Ascending
        user_role Ascending
        membership_timestamp Ascending
        Collection     Enabled
        users     created_by Ascending
        user_role Ascending
        full_name Descending
        Collection     Enabled
        payment_history     created_by Ascending
        user_role Ascending
        created_at Ascending
        Collection     Enabled
        payment_history     created_by Ascending
        payment_status Ascending
        user_role Ascending
        created_at Ascending
        Collection     Enabled
        payment_history     payment_status Ascending
        user_id Ascending
        created_at Ascending
        Collection     Enabled

    Step 7: Add SHA1 and SHA-256 Key in firebase

  • Open Terminal.
  • flutter clean
  • flutter pub get
  • Go to android folder.("D:\user\gym_trainer_app\android\")
  • Then Run this command ./gradlew signingReport
  • Then Copy the SHA1 and SHA-256 key and paste it to the address below
  • Click on the gear icon in the upper-left corner to access project settings.
  • In the Project Settings page, scroll down to the section titled "CrossFit" and find the Android app for which you want to add the keys. If you haven't added an Android app yet, click on the "Add app" button and follow the instructions to register your app.
  • Once you have selected the Android app, you'll see the app's configuration details.
  • Look for the section titled "SHA certificate fingerprints" and click on the "Add fingerprint" button.
  • In the dialog that appears, enter the SHA-1 key in the provided field.
  • also add SHA-256 keys by clicking on the "Add another fingerprint" link and entering the respective keys in the provided fields.
  • Click on the "Save" button to add the keys to your Firebase project.
  • Step 8: Deploy firebase function

    Following bellow steps to genrate google-service-key

  • Go to the Google Cloud Console:
  • Click on the project drop-down and select Project.
  • In the Google Cloud Console, click on the menu icon (☰) in the top-left corner.
  • Under the "IAM & Admin" section, select "Service accounts."
  • Click on the "+ CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT" button.
  • Provide a name for the service account.
  • You can optionally provide a description for the service account.
  • Click on the "CREATE" button.
  • In the "Create a new service account" window, you can choose to assign roles to the service account. Roles determine what permissions the service account has.
  • Select the appropriate role(s) from the list, or you can assign roles later.
  • After creating the service account, you'll be prompted to create a key. Click on the "CREATE KEY" button.
  • Choose the key type. For service account keys, it's recommended to use JSON format.
  • Click on the "CREATE" button.
  • The service key will be generated, and a JSON file containing the key will be downloaded to your computer.
  • Store the downloaded JSON file containing the service key securely on your server or in your application's environment.

  • Set up Firebase Project

  • If you haven't already, create a Firebase project and set up Firebase in your project directory. You can do this using the Firebase CLI (Command Line Interface). Install the Firebase CLI if you haven't already by running:
  • npm install -g firebase-tools
  • Then, log in to your Google account with Firebase CLI:
  • firebase login
  • aftre, Put file on below path and rename this file name to google-service-key.json
  • gym_trainer_app\crossfit_firebase_functions\functions
  • Once you are ready to deploy your Firebase Functions to the cloud, use the following command from your project's root directory:
  • firebase deploy --only functions
  • This command will upload your functions to Firebase, and after a successful deployment, you'll receive URLs for any HTTP functions you've defined.
  • 4).Set Up Email Notification

    To set up Email Notification for a CrossFit app, follow these step-by-step instructions:

    Step 1: Create a Sendinblue account

  • Go to the Sendinblue website using your preferred web browser.Go to the Sendinblue website using your preferred web browser. The website URL is (
  • Click on "Sign Up" or "Get Started": On the homepage, you'll usually find a prominent "Sign Up" or "Get Started" button. Click on it to begin the account creation process.
  • Select your account type: Sendinblue offers different types of accounts based on your needs. Choose the appropriate account type based on the features and functionalities you require. The options usually include "Free," "Lite," "Premium," and "Enterprise."
  • Fill in the required information: You'll be presented with a form where you need to provide your details. Typically, the form includes fields such as your name, email address, and a password. Fill in the necessary information accurately.
  • Verify your email address: After completing the form, you'll receive an email from Sendinblue to verify your email address. Click on the verification link provided in the email to confirm your account.
  • Set up your account: Once your email address is verified, you'll be directed to the Sendinblue dashboard or a setup wizard. Follow the on-screen instructions to configure your account settings, including your organization's name, contact details, and any additional information required.
  • Explore Sendinblue features: Once your account setup is complete, you can start exploring the various features and functionalities offered by Sendinblue. These may include email marketing, SMS campaigns, automation workflows, contact management, and more.
  • Step 2: Connect your app with SMTP & API

  • Go Sendinblue dashboard.

  • In the SMTP section, you'll find your SMTP credentials. Make a note of the SMTP server, port number, username, and password. You'll need these details to configure your email notifications.

  • Now, you'll need to integrate Sendinblue with your application or platform. Sendinblue provides various integration options, such as SMTP, API, plugins, and libraries. Choose the integration method that suits your needs.
  • Click Generate a new SMTP key. Add the name of your SMTP key and Generate then copy this smtp key.

  • Go to this path "Admin Setting -> Email Setting" then Changes the value of sendinblueEmailFrom, sendinblueEmailName, sendinblueSMTPServerPort, sendinblueSMTPPassword.
  • SendinblueSMTPPassword is your SMTP Master PassWord.

  • 5).Change Application name

    Change the application name To change the name of a Flutter app, you need to modify the appropriate files and configurations. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you change the app name:

    1. Open the Flutter project in your preferred integrated development environment (IDE) or code editor.
    2. Locate the pubspec.yaml file in the root directory of your Flutter project.
    3. Open the pubspec.yaml file and find the name field. By default, it should be something like name: your_app_name.
    4. Change the value of the name field to your desired app name. Make sure to follow the naming conventions for Flutter projects (lowercase letters, underscores instead of spaces, etc.). For example, you can change it to name: my_flutter_app.
    5. Save the pubspec.yaml file.
    6. Open the android directory in your Flutter project.
    7. Locate the app directory inside the android directory and open it.
    8. Inside the app directory, find the build.gradle file (usually located at android/app/build.gradle).
    9. Open the build.gradle file and locate the defaultConfig section.
    10. In the defaultConfig section, find the applicationId field. The value of this field represents the unique identifier of your app.
    11. Change the value of the applicationId field to match your desired app package name. The package name should typically follow the reverse domain name notation. For example, if your domain is, you can use applicationId: com.example.myflutterapp.
    12. Save the build.gradle file.
    13. Now, you need to update the app name in the iOS configuration.
    14. Open the ios directory in your Flutter project.
    15. Inside the ios directory, find the Runner directory and open it.
    16. Locate the Info.plist file (usually located at ios/Runner/Info.plist).
    17. Open the Info.plist file and find the CFBundleName section.
    18. Change the value of the tag below CFBundleName to your desired app name. For example, My Flutter App.
    19. Save the Info.plist file.

    Note :After following these steps, the name of your Flutter app should be updated. Remember to clean and rebuild your project to ensure the changes take effect.

    7).Changing package name

    To change the package name of a Flutter application, you need to update it in several places within your project. Follow these steps to change the package name:

    1. Rename the package folder: Open the root directory of your Flutter project and navigate to the lib folder. Rename the package folder to the desired new package name.
    2. Update the package name in the pubspec.yaml file: Open the pubspec.yaml file located in the root directory of your project. Update the name field with the new package name.
    3. Update the Android package name:
      • • Open the AndroidManifest.xml file located at android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
      • • Change the package attribute of the tag to the new package name.
    4. Update the iOS bundle identifier:
      • • Open the Info.plist file located at ios/Runner/Info.plist.
      • • Change the value of the CFBundleIdentifier key to the new package name.
    5. Update import statements and references:
      • • In your Dart code files, update any import statements that reference the old package name to import the new package name.
      • • Replace any references to the old package name within your code with the new package name.
    6. Clean and rebuild the project: Run the following command in the root directory of your project to clean and rebuild your Flutter project:
      • • flutter clean
      • • flutter pub get
      • • flutter run

    After following these steps, your Flutter application should have the updated package name throughout the project. Make sure to update any dependencies or configurations that reference the old package name as well.

    8).Sign your release build

    To sign a release build for CrossFit, you can follow these steps:
    Step 1: Generate a keystore file

  • Right-click on the "android" directory and select "Flutter" -> "Open Android module in Android Studio"
  • In the Generate Signed Bundle or APK dialog, select Android App Bundle or APK and click Next.
  • Below the field for Key store path, click Create new.
  • On the New Key Store window, provide the following information for your keystore and key, as shown in figure 2.
  • • Keystore

  • Key store path: Select the location where your keystore should be created. Also, a file name should be added to the end of the location path with the .jks extension.
  • Password: Create and confirm a secure password for your keystore.
  • • Key

  • Alias: Enter an identifying name for your key.
  • Password: Create and confirm a secure password for your key. This should be the same as your keystore password.
  • Validity (yeas): Set the length of time in years that your key will be valid. Your key should be valid for at least 25 years, so you can sign app updates with the same key through the lifespan of your app.
  • Certificate: Enter some information about yourself for your certificate. This information is not displayed in your app, but is included in your certificate as part of the APK.
  • Once you complete the form, click OK.
  • Now Replace crossfit.jks File and Open File And Change your .jks file Detail Like (storePassword, keyPassword, keyAlias, storeFile)
  • Now you can follow these steps and Generate Your Release Apk
  • Click on "Build" → then click on "Flutter" → and finally click on "Build APK".
    gym_trainer_app\build\app\outputs\apk\releaseThis space will appear after the build is complete.

    9).CrossFit App Overview

    A). Login Screen:

    You will see this login screen.You can now login as admin username and password.

    All users can login from this login screen.

    B). Admin

    Login Admin ID And Password For Demo

    Password :admin123

    i). Change Admin Email And Password
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "Profile" option from the menu to open the profile screen.
  • On the top right side of the profile screen, click on the pencil icon.
  • A form will appear where you can enter the new email and password.
  • Input the desired new email and password in the respective fields.
  • After making the necessary changes, click on the "Save" button to save the updated information.

  • ii). Add Trainer in Admin
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "Trainer" option from the menu to open the trainer screen.
  • On the top right side of the trainer screen, click on the add user icon to add trainer.
  • A form will appear where you can add the trainer.
  • Input the desired details in the respective fields.
  • After filling the information, click on the "Add Trainer" button to save the trainer.

  • iii). Add Trainer Package in Admin
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "Trainer Package" option from the menu to open the trainer package screen.
  • On the top right side of the trainer package screen, click on the plus icon to add the trainer package.
  • A form will appear where you can add trainer package.
  • Input the desired details in the respective fields.
  • After filling the information, click on the "Add Packages" button to save the trainer package.

  • iv). Assign Trainer Package in Admin
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "Trainer Package" option from the menu to open the trainer package screen.
  • Click on the option menu to assign trainer package as per the above image.
  • A form will appear where you can assign trainer package.
  • Select the trainer and click on the "ASSIGN TO TRAINER" button to assign the trainer package. .

  • C). Trainer

    Login Trainer ID And Password For Demo

    Password :trainer


    i). Add Member in Trainer
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "Member" option from the menu to open the Member Screen.
  • On the top right side of the member screen, click on the add user icon to add the member.
  • A form will appear where you can add the member.
  • Input the desired details in the respective fields.
  • After filling the information, click on the "SAVE" button to save the member.

  • ii). Assign Membership in Trainer
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "Membership Plan" option from the menu to open the Membership Plan Screen.
  • Click on the option menu to assign trainer package as per the above image.
  • Select the member and click on the "ASSIGN TO MEMBER" button to assign the Membership.

  • iii). Add Membership Plan in Trainer
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "Membership Plan" option from the menu to open the Membership Plan Screen.
  • On the top right side of the Membership Plan screen, click on the plus icon to add Membership Plan.
  • A form will appear where you can add the membership.
  • Input the desired details in the respective fields.
  • After filling the information, click on the "ADD MEMBERSHIP" button to save the membership.

  • iv). Add Workout Category in Trainer
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "Workout Category" option from the menu to open the Workout Category Screen.
  • On the top right side of the Workout Category screen, click on the plus icon to add Workout Category.
  • A form will appear where you can add the Workout Category.
  • Input the desired details in the respective fields.
  • After filling the information, click on the "ADD CATEGORY" button to add the Workout Category.

  • v). Add Exercise in Trainer
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "Exercise" option from the menu to open the Exercise Screen.
  • On the top right side of the Exercise screen, click on the plus icon to add Exercise.
  • A form will appear where you can add the Exercise.
  • Input the desired details in the respective fields.
  • After filling the information, click on the "SAVE" button to add the Exercise.

  • vi). Add Nutrition in Trainer
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "Nutrition Plan" option from the menu to open the Nutrition Plan Screen.
  • On the top right side of the Nutrition screen, click on the plus icon to add Nutrition plan.
  • A form will appear where you can add the Nutrition Plan.
  • Input the desired details in the respective fields.
  • After filling the information, click on the "Add Nutrition" button to add the Nutrition.

  • vii). Add Workout in Trainer
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "Workout" option from the menu to open the Workout Screen.
  • On the top right side of the Membership Plan screen, click on the "CREATE WORKOUT" to add Workout.
  • A form will appear where you can add the Workout.
  • Input the desired details in the respective fields.
  • After filling the information, click on the "SAVE" button to save the Workout.

  • viii). Add Class Schedule in Trainer
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "Class Schedule" option from the menu to open the Class Schedule Screen.
  • On the top right side of the Class Schedule screen, click on the plus icon to add Class Schedule.
  • A form will appear where you can add the Class Schedule.
  • Input the desired details in the respective fields.
  • After filling the information, click on the "CREATE CLASS" button to add the Class.

  • D). Member

    Login Membre ID And Password For Demo

    Password :member


    i). Add Measurement of Member
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "Measurement" option from the menu to open the Measurement Screen.
  • Select the date, input the desired details in the respective fields.
  • After filling the information, click on the "SAVE" button to add the Measurement.

  • ii). Workout of Member
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "My Workout" option from the menu to open the My Workout Screen.
  • Select any workout.
  • Select the date, start any sub category of particular workout.
  • Change the set, reps, sec and rest accordingly and save it.
  • Click on the "START" button for video refrence of that particular workout type.

  • iii). View Nutrition in Member
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "Nutrition Plan" option from the menu to open the Nutrition Plan Screen.
  • Click on the "Nutriton" to see the details of it.

  • iv). Join Class in Member
  • Open the app and navigate to the Drawer Menu.
  • Select the "Class Schedule" option from the menu to open the Class Schedule Screen.
  • Click on the "JOIN" button.
  • Click on the "JOIN VIRTUAL CLASS" button to attain the class.
  • In the case of 'in person meeting', there will be "View" button instead of "Join".
  • Click on the "View" button to see the details of it.

  • 10).Stripe Payment GateWay Set up

  • If you don't already have a Stripe account, visit the Stripe website ( and you can sign up with Google or create a new account.
  • Just open Stripe Dashboard And Click on keys to Copy and then Replace Your Keys in Mobile Screen
  • Replace your "Secret Key" and "Publishable key" with your actual Stripe API keys in admin setting -> Payment Setting Screen .
  • after completing the key replacement follow these steps and activate your account in live mode

    1). Create a Stripe Account: Go to the Stripe website ( and sign up for an account. Provide the necessary information, including your business details and banking information.
    2). Verify Your Email: Once you sign up, Stripe will send you an email to verify your email address. Click on the verification link in the email to proceed.
    3). Activate Your Account: Complete the account activation process by providing any additional information required by Stripe, such as your business address and identification details. This step may vary depending on your location and business type.
    4). Set Up Payment Methods: In your Stripe dashboard, navigate to the "Payments" or "Payment Methods" section. Here, you can choose which payment methods you want to enable, such as credit cards, digital wallets (e.g., Apple Pay or Google Pay), or bank transfers. Follow the instructions provided by Stripe to configure the payment methods you desire.
    5). Test Payments: Before going live, it's crucial to test your payment setup. Stripe offers a "test mode" that allows you to simulate transactions without charging real money. This step helps ensure that your integration is functioning correctly and that you can handle payments smoothly.
    6). Enable Live Payments: Once you have tested your payment setup and are satisfied with the results, you can switch your Stripe account to live mode. In live mode, actual payments will be processed, and your customers will be charged.
    7). Monitor and Manage Payments: Use the Stripe dashboard to monitor transactions, manage refunds, view reports, and perform other payment-related tasks. Stripe provides a comprehensive set of tools and features to help you manage your payments efficiently.

    11).PayPal Payment GateWay Set up

  • If you don't already have a PayPal account, visit the PayPal website ( and you can sign up with Google or create a new account.
  • Just open PayPal Dashboard And Click on "API credentials" then Copy Client Id and Secret key then Replace Your Keys in Mobile Screen
  • Replace your "Client Id" and "Secret key" with your actual Stripe API keys in admin setting -> Payment Setting Screen .
  • after completing the key replacement follow these steps and activate your account in live mode

    1). Click on top-right side "Live".
    2). Follow the instructions on the screen to provide your personal details, such as your name, address, phone number, and date of birth. Make sure to enter accurate information.
    3). Review the terms and conditions: Read PayPal's terms and conditions and user agreement thoroughly. If you agree with the terms, check the box to indicate your acceptance.
    4). Verify your email address: After completing the registration form, PayPal will send a confirmation email to the address you provided during the sign-up process. Open your email inbox, locate the email from PayPal, and click on the verification link within the email to confirm your email address.
    5). Link your bank account or card: To activate your live PayPal account, you need to link it to a bank account or a credit/debit card. On the PayPal website, navigate to the "Wallet" or "Settings" section and choose the option to link a bank account or card.
    6). Enter your financial information: Provide the required details of your bank account or card, such as the account number, routing number (for bank accounts), or the card number, expiration date, and CVV (for cards). PayPal will use this information for verification purposes.
    7). Confirm your linked bank account or card: PayPal will initiate a verification process to ensure that the bank account or card you linked is valid. They may make small deposits to your bank account or charge a small amount to your card. Check your bank statement or card statement to find these transactions.
    8). Verify your bank account or card: Once you see the deposits or charges in your bank statement or card statement, log in to your PayPal account and navigate to the "Wallet" or "Settings" section. Locate the option to confirm your bank account or card and enter the exact amounts charged or deposited by PayPal.
    9). Provide additional verification (if requested): Depending on your country and specific circumstances, PayPal may require additional verification. This may include uploading documents such as a copy of your identification card, proof of address, or proof of business registration. If prompted, follow the instructions provided by PayPal to complete the verification process.
    10). Review and adjust your account settings: Once your account is fully activated, take some time to review and adjust your account settings according to your preferences. You can manage privacy settings, notification preferences, security options, and more.
    11). Start using your PayPal account: Congratulations! Your live PayPal account is now active and ready to use. You can start sending and receiving money, making online purchases, or receiving payments for your business.

    13).In App Purchase

  • Go to Setting Screen And Click on Payment Setting screen and Choose In App Purchase option
  • 1).If you don't have one already, sign up for a Google Play Developer account. You will need to pay a one-time registration fee.
    2).Link your Google Play Developer account to a Google Wallet Merchant account. This is where you'll receive payments from users. Provide your banking and tax information.
    3).Ensure your app is ready to support in-app purchases.
    4).In the Google Play Developer Console, navigate to your app's page, go to "Monetize" > "In-app products," and click the "Create" button to add new in-app products. You can create either managed products (consumable or non-consumable) or subscriptions.For each product, provide details like the product ID, pricing, and localized descriptions.
    5).For each in-app product, configure its details, including pricing, availability, and any promotional information. You can also create different price points for different regions.
    6).Before releasing your app, it's crucial to test your in-app purchases. Use test accounts provided by Google Play to simulate purchases without actual charges. Ensure that your app handles purchases and consumption correctly.
    7).Once you've thoroughly tested your in-app purchases and your app is ready for release, submit it to the Google Play Store. Ensure that your app's store listing provides clear and accurate information about in-app purchases.
    8).After your app is live, promote your in-app purchases within your app and on the app's store listing to encourage users to make purchases.
    9).Continuously monitor the performance of your in-app purchases, including conversion rates, revenue, and user feedback. Use this data to make improvements and optimize your in-app purchase strategy.


    1). How to Edit Email or Password for Admin ?
    Ans. if you don't know how Edit Email or Password please follow this steps.(click here)

    2). How to add trainer ?
    Ans. if you don't know how to add trainer please follow this steps.(click here)

    3). How to add trainer packages?
    Ans. if you don't know how to add trainer pakages please follow this steps.(click here)

    4). How to assign trainer packages?
    Ans. if you don't know how to assign trainer packages please follow this steps.(click here)

    5). How to add member ?
    Ans. if you don't know how to add Member please follow this steps.(click here)

    6). How to add membership ?
    Ans. if you don't know how to add membership please follow this steps.(click here)

    7). How to assign membership ?
    Ans. if you don't know how to assign membership please follow this steps.(click here)

    8). How to add workout ?
    Ans. if you don't know how to add workout please follow this steps.(click here)

    9). How to add workout category ?
    Ans. if you don't know how to add workout category please follow this steps.(click here)

    10). How to add exercise ?
    Ans. if you don't know how to add exercise please follow this steps.(click here)

    11). How to add class schedule ?
    Ans. if you don't know how to add class schedule follow this steps.(click here)

    12). How to add measurement ?
    Ans. if you don't know how to add measurement please follow this steps.(click here)

    13). How to start workout ?
    Ans. if you don't know how to start workout please follow this steps.(click here)

    14). How to join class ?
    Ans. if you don't know how to join class please follow this steps.(click here)

    15). How to add Nutrition plan ?
    Ans. if you don't know how to add nutrition plan please follow this steps.(click here)

    16). How to View Nutrition plan ?
    Ans. if you don't know how to add nutrition plan please follow this steps.(click here)