School Management System Plugin for WordPress is the ideal way to manage complete school operations. The system has different access rights for Admin, Teacher, Student, Parent and Management.
This user guide covers all options that this plugin provides. Please read the documentation carefully as it probably contains answers to most of the questions that may arise. If you feel some aspect is not covered or have some questions, contact us via e-mail We will do our best to answer you in the shortest time.
define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
php_value upload_max_filesize 256M
php_value post_max_size 256M
php_value max_execution_time 600
php_value max_input_time 600
Once you have your ZIP file, go back to your WordPress wp-admin panel, click on “Plugins” in the sidebar menu, and then on the “Add New” button.
You can get file on a downloaded plugin zip file.
From there, click on the “Upload Plugin” button visible at the top.
When WordPress finishes , you’ll only need to activate the plugin.
After doing so, the plugin is online and you can start using it.
First please extract the plugin ZIP file on your local computer. When a ZIP file is extracted, some unzip software may add a parent folder outside of the plugin folder. In the next step, please make sure to upload the plugin folder which directly contains the plugin files, not its parent folder.
In this step, please use your FTP software to upload the extracted plugin folder to your FTP server, the WordPress folder wp-content -> plugins .
Log into your WordPress backend, left menu, goto Plugins -> Installed Plugins, find the plugin from the list and click Activate to activate it.
Click on License Settings under School management link-list to start setting up the system. Please fill all the required fields. You can access plugin only after successful registration of your Envato License key. You can use single licence key for only single domain. You can not use single licence key on the different domains.
Click on General Setting under school management link-list to start setting up the system . You are advised to fill all fields of General settings as these details are used in the different section of whole system .You can change these settings as per your requirement.
From this module you can set notification mail templates. You can also enable or disable this notification mail from general settings.
Each template has shortcodes. So you can use those shortcodes in your mail template. Following Shortcodes are available in mail templates
Here we have listed out all the frontend side menu list and all frontend user types. So now you can also give access rights to the user from here in school.
Now you can also give more access rights to the Student, Teacher, Support Staff and Management from here in school.
Now you can also give more access rights to the Support Staff from here in school.
If you want to set recurring invoices then Enable the Recurring Invoice option on the general setting page.
Go to : Payment=>Fees Payment=>Add Fees Payment
You can generate recurring invoices with one-time, monthly, quarterly, and half-yearly recurring options.
You can see generated recurring invoices & Also, you can Edit & Delete recurring invoices.
We Are Generate next recurring invoice For Selected Students.
if you want to generate next recurring invoice for other students than edit recurring fees payment.
Set 24 hours cronjob in your server for recurring invoices.
For Example: /usr/local/bin/php -q -f /home/dlifcom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/school-management/recurring_invoices.php
Once install this plugin, Plugin create School Management Login Page, Registration page and Admission page. You can simply create menu link.
if you can not see our pages in the page menu show you can create pages by using your shortcode.
When you install plugin Login Page will create and set in manu this page on frontend side display like bellow.
When you install plugin registration page will create and set in manu this page on frontend side display like bellow.
When you install plugin Admission page will create and set in manu this page on frontend side display like bellow.
We have given all languages .PO files in our plugin.
Dashboard: Admin side dashboard view.
Click on License Settings under School management link-list to start setting up the system. Please fill all the required fields. You can access plugin only after successful registration of your Envato License key. You can use single licence key for only single domain. You can not use single licence key on the different domains.
Click on General Setting under school management link-list to start setting up the system . You are advised to fill all fields of General settings as these details are used in the different section of whole system .You can change these settings as per your requirement.
admin can manage student admission process.
Admin can view Admission List.
Admin can view Admission List.
Admin can view Admission.
Admin can Approve Admission by clicking on the Approve button. This will open up details in the pop-up box. From here admin Enter Password and Class and Roll No of student and clicked the Active Student button.
system send mail student admission successful.
You can manage all information about students and also view results and attendance information of students and also download Exam receipt of the student.
Admin can view Student by clicking on the view button. This will open the view student page. see the personal information and contact information and parents information of the particular student.
Admin can view Student by clicking on the view button. This will open the view student page. see the personal information and contact information and parents information of the particular student.
Admin can view result of particular student by clicking on view result button. This will open up resuls in pop-up box. From here admin can generate Marksheet in PDF format.
You can also print results directly by clicking on print button.
Admin can view Exam Receipt of particular student by clicking on Exam Receipt button. This will open Exam Receipt list of particular Student. From here admin can dawnload Exam Receipt in PDF format.
You can also print results directly by clicking on print button.
Show Exam Receipt in PDF view.
You can upload bulk student data with CSV.
we have given a sample file in Package and our plugin folder.
How to import custom field value with CSV file.
1) Copy the Custom Field label name and add it to the CSV file.
2) We have provided import custom field instructions in the import student popup.
3) Must follow instructions.
You can export student data in csv format.
You can add new Teacher and teacher profile as well as view complete list of all Teachers.
Admin can view Teacher by clicking on the view button. This will open the view Teacher page. see the personal information and contact information and Time Table of the particular teacher.
Admin can view Teacher by clicking on the view button. This will open the view Teacher page. see the personal information and contact information and Time Table of the particular teacher.
You can upload bulk of Teacher data in csv.
You can export Teacher data in csv format by clicking on the Export selected button.
You can add new support staff and support staff profile as well as view complete list of all support staff.
Admin can view Support Staff by clicking on the view button. This will open the view Support Staff page. see the information of the particular Support Staff.
Admin can view Support Staff by clicking on the view button. This will open the view Support Staff page. see the information of the particular Support Staff.
You can upload bulk of Support Staff data in csv.
You can export Support Staff data in csv format by clicking on the Export selected button.
You can add a new Parent information and view complete list of student's Parents. The System allows the parent to have multiple children in the same school.
Admin can view Parent by clicking on the view button. This will open the view Parent page. see the personal information and contact Information of the particular Parent and it's childs information.
Admin can view Parent by clicking on the view button. This will open the view Parent page. see the personal information and contact Information of the particular Parent and it's childs information.
You can upload bulk of Parent data in csv.
You can export Parent data in csv format by clicking on the Export selected button.
You can add a new Subject information with subject code ,Teacher name, Class name, Auther name and Edition of the book and also attach syllabus of the subject and view all list of Subjects.
You can see all class listed here. Each class with information about the class like name and capacity of the classes are also displayed here. You can add or view Section-Division by click on View Or Add Section
Here we have also added other extra fields. If you have requirements like that then you can use it.
You can add or remove section from here.
You can add or remove section from here.
You can edit section from here.
Here is the listing of all class. Click on particular class to view its routine.
Here you can see each teacher's time table separately.
Here you can create Create Virtual Class.
Manage daily Attendance of the student and teacher.
Class wise Attendance for students
If you want to see attendance of any past dates then just enter date and select class and click on Take/view Attendance. You can just view past days attendance but you can't edit. While for current date it allows you to edit the attendance
If student is absent and send sms to his/her parent's then check the check-box.
Here you can also take teachers attendance .
You can upload attendance data in csv.
You can export attendance data in csv format
You can add the attendance by scanning the QR code.
You Can Manage To Student Leave.
Display an exam name, class name, Exam term, exam starting date and ending date of exam and exam related comments.You can download and view exam related syllabus.
you can manage the exam time table by clicking the manage exam time and generate exam time table for the exam.
Now You can see the exam time table by clicking the View button in Exam List.
admin can add hall and generate the exam hall receipt of each exam.
Admin Can Generate Student Exam Hall Receipt by clicking the Exam Hall Receipt select the exam and check which student assign exam hall and generate exam hall receipt for student.see the exam hall receipt in student list
exam hall receipt pdf send in mail by clicking the send mail
Display details about grade system.
Enter Student marks from here. For that, You must select exam name, class name, subject name and then press manage marks.
To upload CSV file for enter student marks select csv file from browse and click on Fill data from CSV button.
To enter marks for individual student Enter Marks value and then click on Add mark button. If you want to enter marks for all student at once then first add marks value against each student and then click on Update All Marks.
If you want to update marks then its also possible from here.
You can also export the whole class of marks result in csv file from here.
You can also add marks of multiple subjects at once.
you can manage homework easily and View homework submission.
you can view submission of each student and dawnload it.
you can manage Hostel easily and assign room to student and easily check stutus of rooms.
you can add room and assign bed to student by clicking the View Or assign Room .
You can assign bed to student by clicking the Assign Room Button.
Here it display means of transport for student like bus and driver of each route.
If you want to edit transport details then it can be done by just clicking on edit link from transport list.
Here You can see and manage a list of Events to notice for teachers, students, and all. We have provided a date range in the notice segment so this can also be used as an event calendar
All received messages are stored and shown in Inbox.
Here if you want to send message to any group then you can send from here.
Here admin can View All Messages and Print Messages.
Here admin can View All Reply and Print Messages.
Here we have list out all notification.
When you save notification then it will send notification to selected student mobile app. you can save Notification FCM Key from general setting menu.
Here we have listed out all types of fees in school. Like each class of first term fee.
Here list out all students fees in school with payment status. From here can also pay that fees and also can view that fee payment invoice.
Display all details about student fees and other payment information.
You can add an Income and view complete list of all Income.
Must fill all required fields in add Income form for add new Income.
You can add an Expense and view complete list of all Expense.
Must be fill all required fields in add Expense form for add new Expense.
Display information about all holiday in this year. From here you can also edit holidays for year.
Generate different types of report to get insight of student and teacher performance.
Generate failed Vs passed student for selected exam and for selected class.
To generate report you just select exam and class and click on Go button
It shows report of student attendance.
To generate report select date range and it will generate report for each class
Show how teacher has performed in school. If a teacher has maximum failure of student then its performance is low.
To generate report just click on tab.
Show fee payment report in school. Here you can generate deferent reports of fee payment. Like Not Paid, Partially Paid, Full Paid.
To generate report select all criteria and click on Go button.
Show student result report in school. Here you can generate class wise or section wise reports.
To generate report select all criteria and click on Go button.
Show income report in school. Here you can generate deferent reports of income.
To generate report select all criteria and click on Go button.
Show expense report in school. Here you can generate deferent reports of expense.
To generate report select all criteria and click on Go button.
After year completion you can migrate students from one class to other class.
Here we have listed out all member students in school.
Here for submit book click on that checkbox and enter fine if overdue on that book. After that just click on Submit Book.
Here we list out all books availabe in library.
Here list out all entries of book issue to the members.
Admin Can Add Custom Fields and Use In The Student Form.
Admin Can Add Custom Fields Like TextBox,label,Checkbox,Dropdawn,Radio,Files,date.
If you want to show custom field values in the student list then enable the option in custom field.
View Custom Fields in Student Add Form
From this module you can set notification mail templates. You can also enable or disable this notification mail from general settings.
Each template has shortcodes. So you can use those shortcodes in your mail template. Following Shortcodes are available in mail templates
Here we have listed out all the frontend side menu list and all frontend user types. So now you can also give access rights to the user from here in school.
Now you can also give more access rights to the Student from here in school.
Now you can also give more access rights to the Teacher from here in school.
Now you can also give more access rights to the Parent from here in school.
Now you can also give more access rights to the Support Staff from here in school.
Now you can also give more access rights to the Management from here in school.
View Virtual Class List.
Click on Dashboard and student can see student side dashboard.
Click on Teacher and a student can see all details about it class Teacher.
Where a student can see just own class Teacher But all Teacher list possible with giving Access rights.
Click on Student and a student can see all details about it.
Where a student can see just own results But all Student list possible with giving Access rights.
Admin can view Student by clicking on the view button. This will open the view Teacher page. see the personal information and contact information and Time Table of the particular teacher.
Click on Parent and a student can see all details about it parent.
Admin can view Parent by clicking on the view button. This will open the view Teacher page. see the personal information and contact information and Time Table of the particular teacher.
Click on Subjects and a student can see all details about it Class Subjects.
Click on Syllabus student can Download subject Syllabus.
Admin can view Parent by clicking on the view button. This will open the view Teacher page. see the personal information and contact information and Time Table of the particular teacher.
Click on Class Routine and student can see own class routine.
Here student can just see own class routine.
Click on Exam and student can see own class Exam.
Here student can just see own class Exam and view Exam time table and Click on Download Syllabus exam syllabus Download .
Click on Leave And Student Can See Own Leave List.
Click on Hostel and student can see Hostel and Room.
Here student can see rooms and availabe beds details
Click on Homework List and student can see own Homeworks.
Here student can upload Homework Document
Click on Fee payment List and student can see own Fee payment.
Admin can view Parent by clicking on the view button. This will open the view Teacher page. see the personal information and contact information and Time Table of the particular teacher.
Admin can view Parent by clicking on the view button. This will open the view Teacher page. see the personal information and contact information and Time Table of the particular teacher.
Click on payment List and student can see own payment.
Admin can view Parent by clicking on the view button. This will open the view Teacher page. see the personal information and contact information and Time Table of the particular teacher.
Click on Transport List and student can see Transports List.
Click on Notice List and student can see own Notices.
All received messages are stored and shown in Inbox.
Here if you want to send message to any group then you can send from here.
Click on Holiday List and student can see Holidays List.
Click on Book List and student can see Book List.
Click on Account and student can see own profile page.
Here student can also edit own profile.
View Virtual Class List.
Dashboard: Parent side dashboard view.
Click on Teacher and a Parent can see all details about own child class Teacher.
Where a Parent can see just own child class Teacher.
Click on child and parent can see their child/children in the same school.
parent can view child by clicking on the view button. This will open the view child page. see the personal information and contact information and parents information of the child.
parent can view result of our child by clicking on view result button. This will open up resuls in pop-up box. From here parent can generate Marksheet in PDF format.
You can also print results directly by clicking on print button.
Click on Subjects and a parent can see all details about it child Subjects.
Click on Syllabus student can Download subject Syllabus.
Click on Class Routine and parent can see own child class routine.
Here parent can just see own child class routine.
Click on Exam and parent can see own child class Exam.
Here parent can just see own child class Exam and view Exam time table and Click on Download Syllabus exam syllabus Download .
Click on Hostel and parent can see Hostel and Room.
Here parent can see rooms and availabe beds details
Click on Leave List And Parent Can See Own Child Leave.
Click on Homework List and parent can see own child Homeworks.
Here parent can upload Homework Document
Click on Fee payment List and parent can see own child Fee payment.
Click on Transport List and parent can see Transports List.
Click on Notice List and parent can see own Notices.
All received messages are stored and shown in Inbox.
Here if you want to send message to any group then you can send from here.
Click on Holiday List and parent can see Holidays List.
Click on Book List and parent can see Book List.
Click on Account and parent can see own profile page.
Here parent can see own children and also edit own profile.
View Virtual Class List.
Dashboard: Teacher side dashboard view.
Teacher can manage all information about Our Class students and also view results and attendance information of students and also download Exam receipt of the student.
Admin can view Student by clicking on the view button. This will open the view student page. see the personal information and contact information and parents information of the particular student.
Admin can view result of particular student by clicking on view result button. This will open up resuls in pop-up box. From here admin can generate Marksheet in PDF format.
You can also print results directly by clicking on print button.
Admin can view Exam Receipt of particular student by clicking on Exam Receipt button. This will open Exam Receipt list of particular Student. From here admin can dawnload Exam Receipt in PDF format.
You can also print results directly by clicking on print button.
Show Exam Receipt in PDF view.
Teacher can see all Parent List.
Teacher can add a new Subject information with subject code ,Teacher name, Class name, Auther name and Edition of the book and also attach syllabus of the subject and view all list of Subjects.
Teacher can see own class List.
Teacher can see all class route.
Manage daily Attendance of the Own Class student
Class wise Attendance for students
If you want to see attendance of any past dates then just enter date and select class and click on Take/view Attendance. You can just view past days attendance but you can't edit. While for current date it allows you to edit the attendance
If student is absent and send sms to his/her parent's then check the check-box.
Display own class exam and exam name, class name, Exam term, exam starting date and ending date of exam and exam related comments.You can download and view exam related syllabus.
Now You can see the exam time table by clicking the View button in Exam List.
you can manage homework easily and View homework submission.
you can view submission of each student and dawnload it.
You Can Manage To Student Leave.
Click on Hostel and student can see Hostel and Room.
Here student can see rooms and availabe beds details
Teacher can manage own Class students marks.
For export whole class of students marks. Select exam and class and just click on Export Marks button.
Teacher can also add multiple subject marks at once. For view Screenshot Click here.
Click on Notice List and parent can see own Notices.
All received messages are stored and shown in Inbox.
Here if you want to send message to any group then you can send from here.
Click on Holiday List and teacher can see Holidays List.
Click on Book List and parent can see Book List.
Generate different types of report to get insight of student and teacher performance.
Generate failed Vs passed student for selected exam and for selected class.
To generate report you just select exam and class and click on Go button
It shows report of student attendance.
To generate report select date range and it will generate report for each class
Show how teacher has performed in school. If a teacher has maximum failure of student then its performance is low.
To generate report just click on tab.
Show fee payment report in school. Here you can generate deferent reports of fee payment. Like Not Paid, Partially Paid, Full Paid.
To generate report select all criteria and click on Go button.
Show student result report in school. Here you can generate class wise or section wise reports.
To generate report select all criteria and click on Go button.
Teacher can manage their profile and change password.
View Virtual Class List.
Dashboard: Support Staff dashboard.
Support Staff can add new Teacher and teacher profile as well as view complete list of all Teachers.
Admin can view Teacher by clicking on the view button. This will open the view Teacher page. see the personal information and contact information and Time Table of the particular teacher.
Support Staff can manage all information about students and also view results and attendance information of students and also download Exam receipt of the student.
Support Staff can view Student by clicking on the view button. This will open the view student page. see the personal information and contact information and parents information of the particular student.
Support Staff can view result of particular student by clicking on view result button. This will open up resuls in pop-up box. From here Support Staff can generate Marksheet in PDF format.
You can also print results directly by clicking on print button.
Support Staff can view Exam Receipt of particular student by clicking on Exam Receipt button. This will open Exam Receipt list of particular Student. From here Support Staff can dawnload Exam Receipt in PDF format.
You can also print results directly by clicking on print button.
Show Exam Receipt in PDF view.
Support Staff can add a new Parent information and view complete list of student's Parents. The System allows the parent to have multiple children in the same school.
Support Staff can view Parent by clicking on the view button. This will open the view Parent page. see the personal information and contact Information of the particular Parent and it's childs information.
Support Staff can add a new Subject information with subject code ,Teacher name, Class name, Auther name and Edition of the book and also attach syllabus of the subject and view all list of Subjects.
Manage daily Attendance of the all Class student
Class wise Attendance for students
If you want to see attendance of any past dates then just enter date and select class and click on Take/view Attendance. You can just view past days attendance but you can't edit. While for current date it allows you to edit the attendance
If student is absent and send sms to his/her parent's then check the check-box.
Display an exam name, class name, Exam term, exam starting date and ending date of exam and exam related comments.You can download and view exam related syllabus.
Now You can see the exam time table by clicking the View button in Exam List.
Support Staff Can Manage To Student Leave.
Support Staff can manage Hostel easily and assign room to student and easily check stutus of rooms.
Support Staff can add room and assign bed to student by clicking the View Or assign Room .
Support Staff can assign bed to student by clicking the Assign Room Button.
Support Staff can manage homework easily and View homework submission.
Support Staff can view submission of each student and dawnload it.
Enter Student marks from here. For that, You must select exam name, class name, subject name and then press manage marks.
To upload CSV file for enter student marks select csv file from browse and click on Fill data from CSV button.
To enter marks for individual student Enter Marks value and then click on Add mark button. If you want to enter marks for all student at once then first add marks value against each student and then click on Update All Marks.
If you want to update marks then its also possible from here.
Support Staff can also export the whole class of marks result in csv file from here.
Support Staff can also add marks of multiple subjects at once.
Display all details about student fees and other payment information.
Support Staff can add an Income and view complete list of all Income.
Must fill all required fields in add Income form for add new Income.
Support Staff can add an Expense and view complete list of all Expense.
Must be fill all required fields in add Expense form for add new Expense.
Here it display means of transport for student like bus and driver of each route.
If you want to edit transport details then it can be done by just clicking on edit link from transport list.
Here You can see and manage a list of Events to notice for teachers, students, and all. We have provided a date range in the notice segment so this can also be used as an event calendar
All received messages are stored and shown in Inbox.
Here if you want to send message to any group then you can send from here.
Display information about all holiday in this year. From here you can also edit holidays for year.
Here we have listed out all member students in school.
Here for submit book click on that checkbox and enter fine if overdue on that book. After that just click on Submit Book.
Here we list out all books availabe in library.
Here list out all entries of book issue to the members.
Generate different types of report to get insight of student and teacher performance.
Generate failed Vs passed student for selected exam and for selected class.
To generate report you just select exam and class and click on Go button
It shows report of student attendance.
To generate report select date range and it will generate report for each class
Show how teacher has performed in school. If a teacher has maximum failure of student then its performance is low.
To generate report just click on tab.
Show fee payment report in school. Here you can generate deferent reports of fee payment. Like Not Paid, Partially Paid, Full Paid.
To generate report select all criteria and click on Go button.
Show student result report in school. Here you can generate class wise or section wise reports.
To generate report select all criteria and click on Go button.
Support Staff can manage their profile and change password.
View Virtual Class List.
Steps for Manually Update a School Management Plugin
1) Prerequisite section.
Note* The Plugin works best on Cpanel/WHM-enabled hosting. Usage/installation on Nginx / Plesk is not recommended and we will not be able to provide support for the same.
2) Don't See School Management Login Page in page listing.
Don't worry, You can create login form anywhere of your frontend page. you can add login form of two ways.
You can also create registration page form anywhere of your frontend side. you can add registration form of two ways.
You can also create Admission page form anywhere of your frontend side. you can add Admission form of two ways.
If you want to have any paid customization as your requirement in this plugin you can contact us on
API base url for mobile application